Fall Prevention


Fall Prevention

The Building Code of Australia (BCA) has always contained measures to prevent falls from heights. Until relatively recently, there were no specific requirements for windows – designers and certifiers would try to adapt the requirements for balustrades and apply them to windows. Finally in 2009 specific requirements for windows were introduced. They were incorporated with, but distinct from the balustrade requirements.

In response to a spate of children falling from windows the Australian Building Codes Board(ABCB) undertook to introduce new measures in the National Construction Code through BCA2013. The National Construction Code specifies various requirements for the prevention of falls from openable windows.

The intent of these requirements is to limit the risk of a person (especially a young child) falling through an openable window, and are divided into two categories;

1. All windows where the potential fall is four metres or more
2. Windows in bedrooms of Class 1, 2, 3 and 4 buildings, and any room in Class 9b Early Child Care Centres where the potential fall is two metres or more.

For more detailed information and visit the fact sheet via this link FACT SHEET

Window Fall Prevention
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